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I Can’t Breathe: Poetic Memory of George Floyd

Kimatni D. Rawlins • Jun 02, 2020

Words by Kimatni D. Rawlins, art by Shawn “SP” Perkins

Excuse me sir, but I can’t breathe
in the land of the free, home of the brave.
It’s a pandemic and jobs have been lost, 
including my own. 
Providing for my family is the goal
and spiritual divinity is the fundamental virtue of my throne.
Am I guilty, a threat, or innocent?
A black man in America
overshadowed by cognitive dissonance.
When the looting starts, 
the shooting starts, says 45!
God is the source of all energy, 
blessing the world with tranquility and serenity.
I loved my life,
I was a father of two
and developed profound friendships.
I enjoyed excelling in sports in Houston,
even picked up the mic a few times, aka “Big Floyd.”
Get to know my story and relinquish your fear,
I'm as human as you with a thirst for creativeness,
even in perilous times, I focus on noble causes.

O say can you see, by the dawn’s early light,
that I can’t breathe in front of the world’s abashed eyesight. 
It's evident that I am not your equal unless grasping a football, 
hooping for your home team,
or blazing like road runners on the track and field.
Can I not enjoy equanimity in my home,
head out for a jog through my supposedly peaceful neighborhood,
play in the park with my friends,
shop for a gift for my lady,
or anything else considered ordinary
in the USA without taking your bullets, your chokeholds, 
or a knee to the back of my neck -
leading to youthful and untimely deaths. 
Excuse me, sir, where is the respect?
Give me some latitude, please. 
Was our enslavement not enough to appease your province?
A wider vista of the plight of black men in America 
would garner more attention.
Maybe if you walked just a mile in our shoes, 
you would understand African American’s disposition. 
Then, perhaps, you will begin to feel the shock, dismay, and pain
of centuries of inhumanity and injustice that causes our outrage.

Excuse me, but I can’t breathe
here in America where opportunity is omnipresent 
and the rules of engagement are administered by respected laws. 
So you say, until we're incarcerated for years or killed for frivolousness;
when the other is slapped on the wrist with a congenial warning.
Racism and prejudices over color, ideology, and creed
are impeding the progression of a unified nation.
One where trust, benevolence, and admiration
for one another should be human ambition. 
No more moral quandary, please.
No more fear - the strongest of all emotions - towards me, please. 
No more division because I'm a black man in America, please.
I am now gone, and my soul has passed on,
so lift up your conscience and apply my sacrifice 
to the laws of human nature,
and treat my black people with dignity and nobility. 
Remember, my name.
My name is George Floyd!

-One Love-

By Kimatni Rawlins 26 Aug, 2023
Two spirits from opposite ends of the world uniting not by chance, but through universal energy and synchronicity. A vegan food search in Fukuoka, Japan led us to “Will You Curry Me” where the owner and chef Masa greeted us with One Love after seeing my Bob Marley shirt. He enthusiastically stated that Jamaica is his favorite place in the world. There are no coincidences in life people, just intentional guidance leading to like minds and Nomadic Souls. So, continue to respect, embrace, and learn from our cultural differences where you will find more in common than not.
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There’s an enlightening culinary experience in the hills of Free Hill, St. Ann, dubbed Stush in the Bush. Curated by Lisa and Chris Binns, guests are blessed with plant-based ital meals prepared from organic veggies and fruits grown on the couple’s ZionItes Farm. And though we were in the Bush, the Stush analogy pays homage to a dapper dress presentation as you are treated like royalty by the creative and health-conscious pair.
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When connecting with out-of-town friends and fellow Fit Fathers I always suggest a fitness meetup as opposed to happy hour and drinks or a partying scenario. Each person holds the other accountable as well as provides more encouragement and oversight into healthy living and routines.
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Mentoring young black men has been one of my life's most evolutionary fulfillments. Passing down the knowledge I inherited from educational heroes, my dad, influential gurus, and father figures strengthened our community while guiding these students toward positive pathways.
By Kimatni Rawlins 17 Sep, 2023
It was a humbling day in Comuna 13, the most dangerous neighborhood in Medellin, Colombia, just seven years ago. Initially controlled by guerrillas and then gangs, there was a point when 20, 30, to 40 people a day were killed in Comuna 13. Comparable to Brazil’s favelas, dwellings consist of shacks stacked upon each other on a mountainside as residents climb lengthy stairs (or the new escalator) to get in and out.
By Kimatni Rawlins 26 Aug, 2023
Two spirits from opposite ends of the world uniting not by chance, but through universal energy and synchronicity. A vegan food search in Fukuoka, Japan led us to “Will You Curry Me” where the owner and chef Masa greeted us with One Love after seeing my Bob Marley shirt. He enthusiastically stated that Jamaica is his favorite place in the world. There are no coincidences in life people, just intentional guidance leading to like minds and Nomadic Souls. So, continue to respect, embrace, and learn from our cultural differences where you will find more in common than not.
By Kimatni Rawlins 14 Aug, 2023
After exchanging ideologies with Ghanaian friends for years and listening to their stories of triumph, community, and inspirational arts through creative fashion and music, it was finally time for my father and me to pay homage to the first sub-Saharan country to attain independence from its European colonizer. Rightfully so, we researched our intended path to truth and knowledge and embarked on another Nomadic Journey seeking cultural sustenance in the vibrant and historical country of Ghana.
By Kimatni Rawlins 11 Aug, 2023
As always, vacations are to rest the mind, not the body. And actually, you have more time to exercise so there should be no excuses. Yes, even in Jamaica! So I headed out for an Inspiring 5-mile run from Riu Mobay to Hip Strip while exploring local life in Jamaica. A few things I experienced on my energizing run:
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Positive energy only, no animal food required, mass consumerism voided, political influence null and void, and eating fresh ital vegetation grown from the land is the way of life in the Jamaican bush. Moreover, the livity inherited through new perspectives and the exchange of naturalistic ideologies with Rastafarians will keep Mother Earth breathing consciously while sustainably maintaining Her resources without the greed and hate that comes with man’s lust for money and possessions. Soon come, this will definitely be my second act in life. One Love!
By Kimatni Rawlins 02 Aug, 2023
There’s an enlightening culinary experience in the hills of Free Hill, St. Ann, dubbed Stush in the Bush. Curated by Lisa and Chris Binns, guests are blessed with plant-based ital meals prepared from organic veggies and fruits grown on the couple’s ZionItes Farm. And though we were in the Bush, the Stush analogy pays homage to a dapper dress presentation as you are treated like royalty by the creative and health-conscious pair.
By Kimatni D. Rawlins 20 Apr, 2021
It’s always a blessing engaging with inspirational minds and creative souls such as the consummate John Salley, who continues to disrupt typical narratives with artistic ideologies. Winning championships with three different NBA squads (the first player to do so) gave John the fortitude and blueprint required for lasting success
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By Kimatni Rawlins 01 Oct, 2023
When connecting with out-of-town friends and fellow Fit Fathers I always suggest a fitness meetup as opposed to happy hour and drinks or a partying scenario. Each person holds the other accountable as well as provides more encouragement and oversight into healthy living and routines.
By Kimatni Rawlins 17 Sep, 2023
Mentoring young black men has been one of my life's most evolutionary fulfillments. Passing down the knowledge I inherited from educational heroes, my dad, influential gurus, and father figures strengthened our community while guiding these students toward positive pathways.
By Kimatni Rawlins 17 Sep, 2023
It was a humbling day in Comuna 13, the most dangerous neighborhood in Medellin, Colombia, just seven years ago. Initially controlled by guerrillas and then gangs, there was a point when 20, 30, to 40 people a day were killed in Comuna 13. Comparable to Brazil’s favelas, dwellings consist of shacks stacked upon each other on a mountainside as residents climb lengthy stairs (or the new escalator) to get in and out.
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